



Product Development Process. PDP models. Product management. Baja SAE. Competitiveness.


Purpose: This article discusses the importance of a customized Product Development Model (PDP) for Baja SAE teams, as well as examines the challenges faced in the development of high-performance off-road vehicles. Method/approach: Based on Rozenfeld et al.'s Unified Model (2006), we conducted an analysis of existing practices in Baja SAE teams, using interviews, meeting observations, document analysis, and product development metrics. Additionally, we conducted a survey within Baja UFSM teams to identify difficulties in PDP. Main findings:  We highlight the lack of a formal PDP within Baja UFSM teams, which hampers the planning and production of quality vehicles. The absence of a specific management tool is notable, with teams often resorting to simple, overlooked schedules. However, weekly meetings prove essential in enhancing performance and fostering collaboration. The absence of a structured PDP poses a significant challenge, underscoring the need for an adapted model. Theoretical, practical/social contributions: In conclusion, the implementation of an adapted PDP is essential for the continuous success of Baja SAE teams, providing a framework that guides from planning to vehicle decommissioning, resulting in greater efficiency and quality. Originality/relevance: This study emphasizes the importance of a personalized PDP for Baja SAE teams, proposing specific solutions to enhance performance and efficiency in engineering competitions.


Keywords: Product Development Process. PDP models. Product management. Baja SAE. Competitiveness.


Author Biographies

Nisrin Naiel Dib Khaled, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM)

Mestranda em Engenharia de Produção

Lucas Veiga Avila, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM)

Doutor em Administração

Carmen Brum Rosa, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM)

Doutora em Engenharia de Elétrica

Cesar Gabriel Dos Santos, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM)

Doutor em Engenharia Agrícola


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