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Author Guidelines

Do not attach the text with your identification (name). Any identification of authorship must be removed from the file and from the Properties option, guaranteeing confidentiality if submitted for peer review.

The authors' details must be entered correctly in the appropriate fields of the system when submitting the work.

It is recommended that at least one of the authors holds a doctorate in the field of the paper.

Papers can be published in Portuguese, English and Spanish.

Contact: Telephone (49) 3323-4779. E-mail:


As part of the submission process, authors must check that their submission complies with all the items listed below.

1. The work submitted must be original and unpublished, and not under evaluation by another journal.

2. The work must be proofread according to the spelling rules.

3. Book reviews published in Portuguese must be about books released in the last two years. Book reviews published in a foreign language and film reviews do not have a date limit.

4. Articles must be no longer than 20 pages and reviews no longer than 5 pages.

5. 5. Files must be submitted in Word format(*.docx), using the corresponding template for articles or reviews, available at the following links:

Article template -

Review template -

Note: You must access the template in the drive, save the file on your computer and include the text of your article, without changing the formatting of the template.

6. Articles must contain a title (original language and English), an abstract (500 to 1000 characters) and 3 keywords. [if the text is in English, include title, abstract and keywords in Portuguese or Spanish]

7. Notes should be explanatory, numbered in Arabic numerals (e.g. 1,2,3...) and listed at the end of the article.

8. Short direct quotations (up to 3 lines) should appear in the body of the text in quotation marks. Long direct quotations (more than 3 lines) should be indented from the left margin (recommended 4 cm), without quotation marks, with single line spacing and size 10 font. Direct quotations should contain the author (initial capitals only), date and page, separated by a comma. Examples: (Schmitz, 2011, p. 73) or Schmitz (2011, p. 73).

9. Indirect quotations should use the author-date format, with only the initial capitalized. Example (Schmitz, 2011) or Schmitz (2011). If works by several authors are referenced, they should be listed in alphabetical order. Example: (Barbosa, 2000; Marinho, 2015; Soares, 1990).

10. Full references should be restricted to the works cited. They should be listed at the end of the text, according to ABNT standards.

a. Book

AUTHOR'S LAST NAME, First name. Title in bold. Place of publication: publisher, date.


RENK, Arlene. A luta da erva: um ofício étnico da nação brasileira no oeste catarinense. Chapecó: Argos, 1997.

b. Book chapter

AUTHOR'S SURNAME, First name. Title of chapter. In: ORGANIZER'S LAST NAME,

Name (Org.). title in bold. Place of publication: publisher, date. p. xx-xxx.


CASTRO, Hebe. Social history. In: CARDOSO, Ciro Flamarion; VAINFAS, Ronaldo (Orgs.) Domínios da história: ensaios de teoria e metodologia. Rio de Janeiro: Campus, 1997, p. 76-96.

c. Article in an academic journal

AUTHOR'S LAST NAME, First name. Title of article. Title of the journal in bold, volume number, issue number [if applicable], title page of the article, month and/or year of publication.


POLI, Odilon Luiz. Peasants in western Santa Catarina. Cadernos do CEOM, v. 15, n. 14, p. 11-62, 2001.

d. Academic work (thesis, dissertation, monograph)

AUTHOR'S LAST NAME, First name. Title of work in bold. Date, number of pages. Monograph, Dissertation or Thesis. (Undergraduate, Specialization, Master's or Doctorate in ...) - Institution in which it was defended (Centre or Faculty and University), Place, date.


VIANA, Uhelinton Fonseca. Education with heritage and education as heritage: a policy in teacher training. 2016. 450f. Thesis (Doctorate in Education) - Graduate Program in Education, Universidade Federal Fluminense, Niterói, 2016.

e. Electronic references

AUTHOR'S LAST NAME, First name. Title in bold. Year. Available at: . Accessed on: day 9 mar. 2016.

11. If figures are used, they must be numbered, have a caption and

source/credits at the bottom. The minimum resolution for figures is 300dpi, and they can be in color or black and white.

12. Tables and graphs must be numbered, have a title at the top and cite the source at the bottom.

13. For articles and reviews, at least 5 possible evaluators must be appointed for the work, with a minimum doctoral degree. To this end, at the start of the submission process, in the "Comments for the editor" field, the full name, institution and contact e-mail address of the potential reviewer must be included.


From 2012 submissions will no longer be accepted for this section.


From 2012 submissions will no longer be accepted for this section.


From 2012 submissions will no longer be accepted for this section.

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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.