Perception of consumers about color packaging of consumption products


  • Eduardo Botti Abbade UNIFRA
  • Márcio Sampedro Ramos



The impact of colors is significant in people’s behavior. Studies in the field of psychology demonstrate the importance of the planning of colors in administrative activities. The objective of this study is to identify the impact of colors in the perception of consumers. A survey research was developed in order to identify the colors of greater impact in developing packages of 12 selected products, as well as their brands. The method of this study was a survey research with a sample of 114 consumers interviewed in 3 supermarkets of the city of Santa Maria-RS. There was a strong tendency in regard to the preference of combinations of colors in almost all products surveyed. There was still a strong inconsistency between the combination of favorite color and favorite brand of Soluble Coffee. Some significant differences in behavior of consumption
and preference for brands were also identified when comparing the sex of the subjects surveyed in products such as batteries, milk, beer and powdered soap. Thus, future studies are suggested in order to help with researches of greater relevance which might explain the relations between colors and behavior of consumers.


Author Biographies

Eduardo Botti Abbade, UNIFRA

Possui graduação em Administração de Empresas pela Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (2003) e mestrado em Administração pela Universidade Federal do Paraná (2005). Atualmente é professor do Centro Universitário Franciscano. Tem experiência na área de Marketing, com ênfase em Pesquisa de Marketing e análise estratégica e posicionamento de mercado. Atua também como consultor de empresas e analista de mercado.

Márcio Sampedro Ramos

Profissional graduado em Administração de Empresas, ex-Diretor de Marketing da Associação dos Estudantes de Administração de Santa Maria (AEAD) e atual membro do Conselho Consultivo.

