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Author Guidelines

The FisiSenectus Magazine is based on the standards adopted by the International Committee of editors of medical journals (Vancouver style) published in the ICMJE - Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submited to Biomedical Journals (

The FisiSenectus Magazine does not charge any financial value for submission and publication of scientific papers. It is a requirement that all authors have the registration on the platform and inform the referred number in the personal register in the journal's environment. Two is the maximum number of articles that can be submitted per author per year, regardless of the author's position.

The article must be original and unpublished in Brazil or in another country and cannot be submitted for simultaneous evaluation in another journal.

Submission steps

Make your registration (login and password) on the website of FisiSenectus Magazine:

Authors should submit the text already formatted according to the Template of FisiSenectus Magazine made available at the following link:

In order for the file not to undergo formatting changes, it is suggested that:

I) copy the link; II) download; III) transfer the file to your computer for use, saving it, and then edit including your article, without producing changes to the Template.

After having the article in the template and formatted according to the magazine's rules, access the system using login and password, and choose the AUTHOR profile, click on "Click here to start the Submission process" and follow the steps requested by the system and upload your file in standard MS Word. Once the submission is complete, you can follow the evaluation process with your login and password.

Articles accepted for publication in the "Reading Evidence" publishing process must necessarily be revised for grammatical, orthographic and Vancouver standards by a professional in the field. FisiSenectus Magazine will request a declaration signed by the professional who performed the review.

Category of articles

FisiSenectus magazine is a periodical of continuous publication addressed to the areas of Human Aging and Health. It publishes primarily original articles from research and or experience reports, articles of systematic review and meta-analysis, as well as issues notes about events and subjects of interest. Eventually, you can publish a theoretical article on specific topics, by invitation of the Editors. The presentation of manuscripts must obey the formatting rules defined in these rules, differing only by the permitted number of pages in each of the categories:

Article: Texts resulting from research or in the form of an experience report referring to topics of interest to the journal must contain 15 to 20 pages including bibliographic references and annexes.

Reviews: they will be accepted only of the systematic or integrative type and should contain between ten to fifteen pages.

a) Systematic review - it is a secondary study, which aims to bring together similar studies, critically evaluating them in their methodology and bringing them together in a statistical analysis, the meta-analysis.

b) Integrative review - comprehensive review method, which allows including literature with different methodological approaches (quantitative and qualitative). The studies included in the review must be analyzed in relation to their objectives, materials and methods and follow the model of systematic review of the integrative type.

Ethical principles

Research involving human beings is subject to compliance with the ethical principles contained in the Declaration of Helsique and the indication of the research approval number issued by the Ethics Committee, duly recognized by the National Research Ethics Commission (CONEP) of the National Health Council ( CNS).

Formatting rules:

As part of the submission process, authors are required to verify the submission's compliance with all items listed below. Submissions that do not comply with the rules will be returned to the authors.

Papers must be presented in Microsoft Word 97/2003 or higher format, typed in A4 format, with Times New Roman font; 2.5 cm margins (top, bottom, right and left); paragraphs aligned by 1 cm.

a) Title: The title must be presented in Portuguese, English and Spanish versions, in the colors highlighted in the template. The title in Portuguese must be presented in alignment to the left, in bold, font size 14, concise, informative in up to 15 words, use uppercase only in the first letter of the title. Titles in English and Spanish should be shown below, with font size 11, italics, use capital letters only in the first letter of the title.

b) Authors: Two versions of the file must be submitted for evaluation, one in which the authorship identification must be removed from the file and the Properties option in Word to guarantee the blind evaluation, according to instructions available in the Peer Review Process. A second version with the identification of the authors must be attached when transferring supplementary documents. This version must contain the following information: full name of the authors in bold and the Orcid number (see:, with the indication of the corresponding author and respective e-mail and institution in a footnote. This information must be in font size 12, single-spaced, aligned to the right, as provided in the template template.


The detailed information of all authors must be described in the metadata (journal environment), otherwise the article will be returned to the authors. The number of authors in each article is limited to a maximum of six. It is important to inform the list and the exact order of the authors at the time of submission. Any addition, exclusion or reorganization of authorship must be done only with the approval of the magazine's editorial board.

c) Summary and descriptors: They must be presented in Portuguese, English and Spanish, typed in simple space, justified, font size 12, containing between 150 and 250 words and must contain the titles of the bolded sessions: introduction, objective, methodology or materials and methods, results and final considerations or conclusion. Highlight a minimum of three and a maximum of six indexing terms (Keywords / Keywords / Descriptors) separated by periods and initials in capital letters. To standardize the descriptors, use the Thesaurus of health (MeSH) and the Health Sciences Descriptors (DeCS) from Bireme .

d) Text Structure: Articles should highlight subtitles in bold, with font size 14, first capital letter, aligned to the left, color highlighted in the template and provide the following sections: Introduction, Methodology or Materials and Methods, Results , Discussion and Final Considerations or conclusion. The body of the text must come with a font size of 12, spacing 1.5 cm, justified, paragraphs aligned at 1 cm.

Introduction: It must contain the objective and justification of the work; its importance, scope, gaps, controversies and other data considered relevant by the author. It should not be extensive.

Methodology or materials and methods: describe in detail the sample selection, the data collection procedures and instruments used, and the methods used in the statistical analysis, in a brief and objective way, which allows the study to be replicated by other researchers. We ask that you refer to standard techniques.

Results: they must be presented in a synthetic and clear way, and present tables or figures elaborated in order to be self-explanatory, informing the statistical significance, when applicable. Avoid repeating text data and personal opinion. The maximum number of tables and / or figures is 6 (six).

Discussion: should explore the most relevant results, present the author's interpretation / reflection based on the current literature and the implications / consequences for the knowledge on the theme. The difficulties and limitations of the study can be recorded in this item.

Final considerations or conclusion: present the relevant conclusions in relation to the objectives of the work, and indicate ways of continuing the study.

e) Optionally, the authors can indicate at the end of the article the acknowledgments and specification of the indication of the funding agency, when applicable, and also when part of the Research Report, Thesis, Dissertation, End of Course Monograph, among others.

f) References: They must be presented with font size 12, aligned to the left margin, in simple space and separated by a space. The magazine adopts Vancouver Style. They must be presented at least fifteen (15) and must not exceed thirty (35) references, numbered consecutively in the order in which they are mentioned for the first time in the text. Preferably, at least 70% of updated articles (last 5 years) should be used. The accuracy of the information in the references is the responsibility of the authors.

In references with 2 (two) up to the limit of 6 (six) authors, all authors are cited; above 6 (six) authors, the first 6 (six) authors are mentioned, followed by the Latin expression "et al". The authors' surname is in lowercase letters except for the initials and periods are not used in the initials of the names; in cases of more than one author, the names are separated by a comma (,). Journal titles should be referred to in an abbreviated form, according to the National Library of Medicine's "List of journals indexed in index medicus".



(Author (s) of the book. Title. Edition. Place of publication: Publishing house; Year of publication)

Bourdieu P. Outline of a theory of practice. 2.ed. Oiras, Portugal: Celta Editora; 2002.

Book chapters

(Author (s) of the chapter. Title of the chapter. In: Author (s) of the book. Title of the book. Edition. Place of publication: Publishing house; Year of publication.

Gomes R, Souza ER, Minayo MC, Silva CFR. Organization, processing, analysis and interpretation of data: the challenge of triangulation. In: Minayo MCS, Assis SG, Souza ER. Evaluation by triangulation of methods: approach to social programs. Rio de Janeiro: Fiocruz; 2005. p. 85-221.

Monographs, dissertations and theses

(Author. Title [Type of document]. Place: Institution where it was presented; year)

Meneghin AL, Souza DS. The effectiveness of manual lymphatic drainage in controlling facial acne in adolescents [monograph]. Barbacena: Presidente Antônio Carlos University - UNIPAC; 2007.

Journal articles

(Author (s) of the article. Title of the article. Title of the abbreviated journal. Date of publication (year month day); volume (number): initial-final pages of the article)

-Up to six authors

Halpern SD, Ubel PA, Caplan AL. Solid-organ transplantation in HIV-infected patients. N Engl J Med. 2002 Jul 25; 347 (4): 284-7.

-More than six authors: list the first six authors followed by et al.

Rose ME, Huerbin MB, Melick J, Marion DW, Palmer AM, Schiding JK, et al. Regulation of interstitial excitatory amino acid concentrations after cortical contusion injury. Brain Res. 2002 May 10; 935 (1-2): 40-6.

- Number supplement

(Author. Title. Abbreviated journal title. Publication date (year month day); volume (number of supplement): initial-final pages of the article.)

Payne DK, Sullivan MD, Massie MJ. Women ´s psychological reactions to breast cancer. Semin Oncol. 1996 Feb; 23 (1 Suppl 2): ​​89-97.

Electronic journal articles

Abood S. Quality improvement initiative in nursing homes: the ANA acts in an advisory role.

Am J Nurs [serial on the Internet]. 2002 Jun [cited 2002 Aug 12]; 102 (6). Available from:

Congress proceedings, similar conferences

(Author (s). Title of the work. In: Title of the Event nº; date of the event (year, month and days); place of its realization (city), state or abbreviated country (and in parentheses) in full, if necessary. Place of publication: Publisher; date of publication. Pagination of the work or abstract.)

Zioni F. Popular control: thematic discussions. In: Proceedings of the 4. Paulista Congress of Public Health; 1993 Jul 10-14; São Paulo Brazil. São Paulo: Paulista Association of Public Health; 1995. p. 25-6.

Legal document

Location (Country, State or City). Title (specification of legislation, nº, date). Amendment. Indication of official publication. Publication date (year month day); Section. Start-end page.


Brazil. Ministry of Health. Ordinance No. 1,884, of November 11, 1994. Development of physical projects [for health care establishments]. Official Gazette [of] the Federative Republic of Brazil. 1994 Dec. 15; Section 1.p 19523-49.


Brazil. Constitution, 1988. Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil. Brasília: Federal Senate; 1988.


Brazil. Civil code, 2002. Civil code. 53.ed. São Paulo: Saraiva; 2002.


g) Citation: They must be identified by superscript Arabic numbers, without mentioning the authors, except when strictly necessary for the construction of the sentence. In this case, in addition to the name, the reference number must appear. Example: Medeiros7. When citing authors sequentially, separate them with a dash (eg 1-3); when interspersed, use a comma (eg 2,6,11).

Direct quote: It is the literal use (copy) of part (s) of the consulted author's text. Use when part (s) of the copy of the text is omitted. Use [] to indicate additions or comments. The quotes of statements / testimonies of the research subjects must be presented in 12 point font, in italics and following the text. One of the modalities below must be chosen and standardized throughout the text:

Quotation up to three lines: The quotation must be inserted in the paragraph in quotation marks. In case the quotation comes with quotation marks in the original text, replace them with an apostrophe or single quotation marks.

Example 1: "[...] the demand for home physiotherapy service is caused mainly by chronic diseases, confirming the growing demographic profile of the elderly population." ¹

Example 2: According to Góis and Vera¹ “[...] the demand for home physiotherapy services is caused mainly by chronic diseases, confirming the growing demographic profile of the elderly population”.

Citation with more than three lines: Long citations must appear in an independent paragraph, indented and typed in space 1, and a smaller font to stand out from the text (for example, font 10), indentation of 4 cm to the left, with or without quotes.


Rehabilitation in aging is complex, requiring a multidisciplinary approach, with the spread of geriatric knowledge among health professionals so that it can face its heterogeneity. Home care in physiotherapy has in its essence the closest approach to the patient and his values, facilitating a better and broader therapeutic approach in geriatrics. ¹

Indirect citation: Mention of information based on the work (s) of another author (s). In this case, there should be no copy of the original text, but an interpretation and construction of another text based on the original text. The use of quotation marks is not necessary, however, always indicate the source from which it was taken.

Example: The increase in chronic diseases observed in the elderly population increases the demand for home physiotherapy services.1,2

f) Illustrations: All illustrations (tables, graphs, figures ...) must be limited to a maximum number of 6 and numbered consecutively and independently, with Arabic numerals according to the order of mention of the data, and must come in individual sheets and separated at the end of the manuscript, indicating its location in the text. Each one should be given a brief title, aligned to the left, font size 12, bold only the first part, for example, Table 1: description of the exercises. Each illustration must have an indication at the central end of the font.

The concepts and opinions expressed in the articles, as well as the accuracy and source of the citations, are the sole responsibility of the authors.


The persons designated as authors must have participated in the preparation of the articles so that they can take public responsibility for their content. The individual contributions of each author should be indicated at the end of the article, only by the initials (eg, LMF worked on the design and final writing and CMG, on research and methodology).

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.