Electrostimulation as adjuvant for pelvic physiotherapy on urinary incontinence after prostatectomy: integrative review





Terapia por Estimulação Elétrica, Incontinência Urinária, Prostatectomia


Introduction: The main form of treatment for prostate cancer is radical prostatectomy, which, despite the most modern techniques, still has consequences such as urinary incontinence (UI), for which physiotherapy emerges as a solution, and where electrostimulation has its role. space, provided it is used rationally. Objective: To verify the effects of electrostimulation in the treatment of UI after prostatectomy. Methods: This is an integrative review of studies published in Portuguese, based on searches in the Scielo (Scientific Electronic Library Online), PubMed (Medline), Lilacs (Medline) and PEDro databases. We included studies in which electrostimulation was applied in men with UI after radical prostatectomy, published between 2006 and 2016, in Portuguese, Spanish and English. Studies containing guinea pigs and reviews were excluded. The study selection process involved screening the titles and reading the abstracts, after which the potentially relevant articles were obtained in the full text for a more in-depth analysis of the eligibility criteria. Results: Only five articles met the inclusion and exclusion criteria; all presented the use of electrostimulation in the treatment of UI; none described the technique as a proprioceptive adjunct to the first stages of treatment. Conclusion: Functional electrical stimulation of the pelvic floor has beneficial effects in the treatment of urinary incontinence after radical prostatectomy when associated with the training of the pelvic floor muscles, considered standard. Aids in the proprioception and learning of the contraction of the pelvic floor muscles, and treat detrusor instability.


Author Biographies

Gustavo Fernando Sutter Latorre, Faculdade Inspirar

Fisioterapeuta Pélvico. Doutorando em Clínica Cirúrgica (Hospital de Clínicas, UFPR/PR 2017-presente). Mestre em Fisioterapia (UDESC/SC, 2013). Especialista em Saúde da Mulher (COFFITO, 2012). Especialista em Fisioterapia do Assoalho Pélvico, Uroginecologia e Saúde da Mulher (CBES/PR, 2008). Especialista em Gestão de Recursos Humanos (CBES, 2008).  Editor Geral e fundador do website Períneo: Exercícios para o Assoalho Pélvico" (perineo.net) de caráter educativo e voltado ao público leigo (mais de 4mil acessos/dia). Vice-Presidente da Associação Brasileira de Fisioterapia Pélvica (ABFP). Membro do Comitê de Fisioterapia da International Continence Society.

Flaviane Franco Mendes Rocha, Faculdade Inspirar

Fisioterapeuta pélvica, especialista em Fisioterapia em Terapia Intensiva

Patrícia de Oliveira Mota Silveira, Faculdade Inspirar

Fisioterapeuta pélvica, especialista em Fisioterapia Neurológica, e em Terapia Manual e Oncologia

Erica Feio Carneiro Nunes, Universidade do Estado do Pará

Doutora em Ciências da Reabilitação (UNINOVE- SP). Mestrado em Ciência da Motricidade Humana (UCB-RJ). Graduação em Fisioterapia (UEPA). Professora efetiva do Curso de Fisioterapia da Universidade do Estado do Pará.


2020-11-03 — Updated on 2020-11-04

How to Cite

LATORRE, G. F. S.; ROCHA, F. F. M.; SILVEIRA, P. de O. M.; CARNEIRO NUNES, E. F. Electrostimulation as adjuvant for pelvic physiotherapy on urinary incontinence after prostatectomy: integrative review. FisiSenectus Journal, Chapecó, Brasil, v. 8, n. 1, p. 122–132, 2020. DOI: 10.22298/rfs.2020.v8.n1.5475. Disponível em: https://bell.unochapeco.edu.br/revistas/index.php/fisisenectus/article/view/5475. Acesso em: 20 jan. 2025.


