The Use of as a resource slackline auxiliary in balance training in elderly

Use of as a resource slackline auxiliary in balance training in elderly




Idoso, Equilíbrio Postural, Reabilitação


Introduction: The process of configuring aging and important changes without postural control. These changes in balance predispose the aging individual to a greater risk of falling, which is why it is increasingly important to implement and study resources aimed at gaining balance, both for preventive and therapeutic purposes. Objective:The present study aimed to evaluate the effect of using the slackline as an aid in balance training in the elderly. Methods:This is a quantitative, quasi-experimental study, with ten elderly women as participants in an aging group from Universidade Aberta à Terceira Idade. The subjects were violated to a previous evaluation, with validated scales and instruments for measuring balance, and underwent an intervention for balance training using the relaxation resource. After the intervention, which lasted six weeks, twice a week, the elderly women were reevaluated with the same testicles. Results:The results showed that the training through the slackline provided a significant gain for postural balance in the Balance Assessment Scale and Tinetti's March 26,20 (p <0,01), walking speed in Timed Up & go (TUG) 6 , 74 (p <0.01), previous functional range in the Functional Range Test (TAF) 21.77 (p <0.01) and fear of falling on the International Falls Efficacy Scale - Brazil (FES-I-BRAZIL) 24 , 10 (p <0.01). Conclusion: It is concluded that the use of slackline as an auxiliary resource in balance training is effective for the elderly who participated in the intervention.

Author Biographies

Felipe Lima Rebelo, Universidade Estadual de Ciências da Saúde de Alagoas e Centro Universitário Cesmac

Doutorando em Ciências da Saúde pela Universidade Federal de Sergipe

Professor Assistente do curso de Fisioterapia da Universidade Estadual de Ciências da Saúde de Alagoas

Professor Titular II do curso de Fisioterapia do Centro Universitário Cesmac

Fellipe Jose Moura Bitar Mello , Centro Universitário Cesmac

Fisioterapeuta graduado pelo Centro Universitário Cesmac.

Tassio Gabriel Sampaio Freire, Centro Universitário Cesmac

Fisioterapeuta graduado pelo Centro Universitário Cesmac

Julio Cesar Ferreira Silva, Centro Universitário Cesmac

Fisioterapeuta graduado pelo Centro Universitário Cesmac

Joslan de Oliveira Balbino, Centro Universitário Cesmac

Fisioterapeuta graduado pelo Centro Universitário Cesmac

Clara Maria de Araujo Silva, Universidade Estadual de Ciências da Saúde de Alagoas

Graduanda em Fisioterapia na Universidade Estadual de Ciências da Saúde de Alagoas



How to Cite

LIMA REBELO, F.; BITAR MELLO , F. J. M. .; SAMPAIO FREIRE, T. G. .; FERREIRA SILVA, J. C. .; DE OLIVEIRA BALBINO, J. .; DE ARAUJO SILVA, C. M. . The Use of as a resource slackline auxiliary in balance training in elderly: Use of as a resource slackline auxiliary in balance training in elderly. FisiSenectus Journal, Chapecó, Brasil, v. 9, n. 1, p. 31–42, 2021. DOI: 10.22298/rfs.2021.v9.n1.6002. Disponível em: Acesso em: 3 jul. 2024.


